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About Us

Honesty and transparency is something we feel is extremely important when it comes to buying and eating food. The food we eat affects how we feel, brings enjoyment and nourishes our body, we should know and trust the people behind our food, now more than ever!

Our Story

Six Generations - One Farm

Nempnett Pastures; a small family farm located in the picturesque hamlet of Nempnett Thrubwell, famous for its unusual name (The Wurzels even sang a song about it). Only 12 miles from the centre of Bristol, it really isn't as far away as it sounds! 


George Ford is the 6th generation on the Farm, with the Ford family arriving in Nempnett Thrubwell in the late 1800's. Today with the help and support of his family has set up 'Nempnett Pastures', on a mission to produce high quality, nutrient dense food from high welfare systems which build soil and enhance our environment rather than deplete it. 

Nempnett Pastures in the 1950's

It all started with some turkeys


In 2017 Ian Ford (a relative of George) offered him the opportunity to take over his small Christmas Turkey enterprise, which George gladly accepted. However this wasn't the first time turkeys had been produced at the farm, previous generations had done so for nearly 60 years. 


We started known as 'Nempnett Turkeys', with a small flock of barn reared English White turkeys, but with a passion for nature, animal welfare and eating quality decided to change to a more traditional, slower growing bronze breed and let them outside, free to range over our lush diverse pastures. 

Maggie, 7th generation at Nempnett Pastures with her turkeys

Along came some chicken


In 2021 after 3 years of selling quality turkeys direct to consumers, George realised how much he enjoyed this way of farming; small scale, high welfare, sold directly and decided to look into additional enterprises. After doing some research, George came across an American farmer called Joel Salatin, who is a passionate regenerative farmer and is famous for coming up with the 'Pasture Raised Chicken' model. Luckily he is also a writer and has written several books about his ways of farming. After hours of reading, we loved the sound of the pasture raised chicken model and thought it could work well on our farm, integrating nicely with our other enterprises, so we have decided to give it ago!

The Herd


The farm also has a small 100% grass-fed beef suckler herd, which is a herd of cattle bred for meat instead of milk, a very natural system sustaining itself from the land, George is passionate that cattle farmed this way is one solution to save our plant not destroy it.. it's not the 'cow' it's the 'how'.


We currently have a Hereford bull named Noak. We choose to use a native breed that will convert grass efficiently and produce excellent quality meat. The cattle are all 'mob' grazed and holistically managed to work with nature not against it.

George and Noak their Hereford Bull



Until Feb 2022 we also had an indoor pig rearing unit on the farm. The pig unit was built over 50 years ago by George's Grandad and his brothers to make use of the waste milk from their dairy. The pigs have kept us afloat financially, but unfortunately, the system went completely against our ethos and although profitable was not enjoyable. Keeping pigs intensively indoors is what pushed Georges's drive and passion to produce meat from the highest welfare standards possible; in a way, he was proud of not ashamed of and so 'Nempnett Pastures' was launched in 2021. Nempnett Pastures is a completely opposite business model to how we have operated in the past, from selling commodity products in a global market to niche, high-quality products directly into more local markets. We hope this way of farming will be more resilient and sustainable; one thing we know for certain is that it's a lot more enjoyable and we hope one day to welcome pigs back to the farm in a more natural system.


Our love for soil


We are very passionate about soil health and regenerative agriculture; we are on a mission to build soil! in 2020 we completed a 'Holistic Management' course, teaching us how to look at everything as a whole, and how to read and learn from nature. 

Learning that the way our great-grandfathers used to farm is more regenerative than what has become the norm today. Luckily with modern technology like electric fencing, it's much easier to farm the way nature intends.

Meet The Fords

The Fords of Nempnett Pastures

We are the Fords, your local, yocal farmers, lost in Nempnett Thrubwell since 1880!


 Passionate about regenerative agriculture and amazing food! We would love to get to know you and look forward to meeting you at the farm when you collect or at your door when we deliver.

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